Friday 22 June 2007

Real Web Headers & Front End Designs

These headers and front end designs were done for SAWebfinder, as initial designs in the early stages of establishing a web portal identity. Some of them are still used as is, others had since been modified.

Media ETC. - Front end web design & logo

SAWebfinder is a company that has found a new presence on the web called Media ETC. I was asked to design a logo and front end design that would be versatile enough to be used across various topics and discipline, as the site would be a portal for expert advice on all sorts of topics. You could view it in action at These are the designs that started it all off.

Festive Breaks Adverts

Included in the Festive Breaks brochure were some adverts for forthcoming and other Discover Ireland publications. The were designed to keep in style with the rest of the brochure.

Festive Breaks Entry Form and Brochure

Discover Ireland brings out this brochure every year with a selection of choice breaks over the festive season. The entry form for 2006-7 sent out to prospective advertisers and listings features glittering and reflective Christmas tree balls and a gold embossed invite to join in the festive activities. This theme was carried through in the design and layout of the actual brochure. Illustration done in Photoshop, layout in QuarkXPress.

WITS School of Arts Television

WSOA Television needed a new identity that would reflect the raw creativity and enthusiasm of the students, as well as an on-the-edge attitude. Black, red and white with lots of texture said it all.

Salsa Kiss Identity Design

Salsa Kiss ia an American company specialising in on-line sales of salsa products. To distinguish themselves from the competition, they wanted a logo that would appeal to upmarket consumers serious about their food and culture. Texture and bold flair were keywords in the design of this logo and stationary, endulging in gold foil and and rich colours.

Thursday 21 June 2007

Savage Secrets of the Kruger Videocover

The client is a producer of wildlife documentaries, and needed a cover that conveyed the richness and drama of wildlife in the Kruger National Park.

Cradle of Humankind Posters

The client, WITS Archaeology, DACEL, Cradle of Humankind and Gauteng Province Municipality, wanted a series of A1 educational posters for use in schools and in tourism centres. All illustration was done by hand and scanned into Photoshop for colouring and placement.

Landbank Investor's Report

The client, Landbank, is very active in empowering farmers from less priviliged communities. This brochure was intended as a report for investors with real-life success stories following grants given by the bank. A CD-ROM with the brochure in electronic format was incorporated into the front of the brochure. The layout was done in Quark XPress and the artwork in Photoshop.

Naturally Nice

Naturally Nice is a business manufacturing hand-made (is that an oxymoron?) soaps and gifts. The client wanted a playful, feminine feel to her logo. She chose this design from a number of concepts presented to her.

The brochure was intended to reflect the soft colours and 'soapy' texture of the logo and product. The layout was done in InDesign, the artwork in Photoshop and Illustrator.

The web site was designed to reflect the look & feel of the logo and brochure.

Design Exhibit for Balmoral Show

Recently I was approached by the SDA Church Irish Mission to design the panels for a stand at the Balmoral show. The stall measured 3m x 3m. We decided on two side panels of 800 x 2000 each, with the centre panel 2000 x 2000. The theme was a day of rest, a life-style of balance. I was requested to use faces from actual church members at real events. The photographs were taken with a 10mega pixel digital camera and manipulated in Photoshop. The individual posters were uploaded to the printer as PDF files; the side panels were printed on canvas on pop-ups and the centre panel was printed as four pieces that were attached to the backwall of the stall.

The centre panel focused on the Sabbath, day of rest, and was a composite of stock photographs and custom photographs.

The left side panel focused on productivity, and a satisfying work life.

The side panel on the right contrasted with the left panel with images of rest and relaxation.

Limpopo Lipadi Brochure

The Directors of Limpopo Lipadi wanted a classy folder with pocket to hold a 32 page brochure detailing the mission, vision and plans for the future camps of the reserve. These would be given to prospective investors. The folder itself was designed with a rich wine-red watermarked texture and displayed the logo embossed in gold.

The folder itself was designed in Illustrator, and the illustrations in Photoshop. The brochure was laid out in Quark XPress.

Limpopo Lipadi Corporite Identity

Limpopo Lipadi is a newly established eco-friendly (no hunting) game and nature reserve in Botswana, Africa. I was asked to design a logo that incorporated the vulture as icon of magnificence, recycling and folklore. An eathly feel but elegance was required.
The logo was hand drawn, then recreated in Illustrator.